A microcontroller is a single chip computer that has the ability to be programmed and used for tasks oriented control. The microcontroller comes with two main reasons, the first is the need of the market (market need) and the second is the development of new technologies. The definition of market requirements is the need for comprehensive electronic products will be smart device as a controller and a data processor. While the definition of new technological developments, namely semiconductor technology containing more transistors, but requires a small space so as to enable the manufacture of chips with very fast computing capabilities, form an increasingly small, and the prices are getting cheaper.
Microcontroller ( micro controller ) is a complete microprocessor system contained in a chip . Microcontroller differs from a versatile microprocessor used in a PC , because it contains a microcontroller generally has minimal microprocessor system components , ie memory , registers and I / O interface that is integrated with its own microprocessor on a chip .
In terms of architecture , only a single- chip microprocessor CPU , while its IC microcontroller in addition to the CPU are also other devices that allows the microcontroller to function as a single- chip computer . In a microcontroller IC has been there ROM , RAM , EPROM , serial interface and parallel interface , timer , interrupt controller , Anlog to digital converter , and the other ( depending on the feature that complements the microcontroller ) .
In terms of applications , the microprocessor only serves as the Central Processing Unit is the brain into a computer , while the microcontroller , in its tiny , generally intended to perform tasks that are oriented to the control circuit which requires a minimum number of components and low cost (low cost ) .